On June 6, 2024, Vadym Sidyachenko, Chairman of the Board of the Center for International Cooperation and Project Implementation, took part in an online meeting organized by the Ministry of Ecology and the Office for Reform Recovery and Support of the Ministry of Ecology to establish cooperation on the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
During the meeting, experts from UNDP and the Ukrainian Climate Office made presentations on the Framework for Ukraine's participation in the international carbon market under Article 6 (Memorandum with the Swiss Confederation) and on Ukraine's accession to the JCM Joint Crediting Mechanisms, in accordance with the Memorandum with Japan.
During the discussion of the presentations, Vadym Sidyachenko emphasized the need to specify the main components of the Roadmap for the introduction of market instruments, in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, regarding the content of measures in relation to the timing of the stages of implementation of the above mechanisms and the resources for their implementation. Also, according to V. Sidyachenko, it is necessary to immediately determine the list of normative and regulatory documents to ensure a sufficient institutional framework for effective, transparent selection, evaluation, and verification of projects for all business entities.
The online event initiated a dialogue between stakeholders, businesses, state-owned enterprises, and the Ministry of Ecology to establish cooperation on the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. We look forward to the development and effective dialog in the further development of tools for the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.