The Center for International Cooperation and Project Implementation (Center for ICPI) is a permanent partner of the leading Ukrainian manufacturer of electronic warfare equipment, Quertus. The Center accumulates charitable contributions from Ukrainian and foreign legal entities and individuals on its hryvnia and foreign currency accounts to purchase electronic warfare equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, and the Border Guard Service, as well as to equip evacuation vehicles, school and evacuation buses, ambulances and the State Emergency Service with electronic warfare equipment.
We would like to emphasize that all the funds raised are used to purchase electronic warfare equipment on the base of trilateral agreements between the Center, the manufacturer of the equipment, Quertus, and the military unit or other organization that orders the equipment.
We would like to emphasize that in the absence of such trilateral agreements between the producer, benefactor and recipient, fundraising for electronic warfare is a sham and shows that either these electronic warfare devices are made on a knee in a garage, or these funds do not go to electronic warfare at all!
Therefore, we urge volunteers and philanthropists to cooperate only in the current legislative field of Ukraine and with reliable manufacturers and volunteers.
