“Dolynska is a success story written during the war.” This was the headline of an interview with Yevheniy Zvizdovsky, Head of the Dolynska City Territorial Community, published on the online platform Window of Recovery.
The Dolynska City Territorial Community of Kirovohrad Oblast is one of the few communities in Ukraine with a development budget of 20% of the community budget, which is a high figure compared to other communities. This figure was achieved by attracting investment in the community, which creates jobs and fills the community budget with taxes.
The Dolynska community has been a partner of the Center for International Cooperation and Project Implementation since 2023. Together, they implemented a project to develop a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and recommendations for green recovery, which was adopted by the city council in February 2024. This strategic document will become one of the main documents for the development of the community, which implements the principles of sustainable development.
The full text of the interview about the success of Dolynska community can be found at https://recovery.win/novyny/dolynska-istoriya-uspihu-pid-chas-vijny